
The Line Up
-- Robert Swinn --
Kenny Langlands
Calvin Monk
Andy McLellan
Jason Cooper

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2-Sheds Jackson

The Line Up - Robert Swinn

Rob covets his sister's mittens

Recapturing a misspent youth

Rob covets his sister's mittens

Recapturing a misspent youth

(Click on the photos to enlarge)

Rob was born in 1970 in Shifnal Shropshire and then moved at an early age to the interestingly named Coven in Staffordshire, where he grew up with his sister, Ang.

At age 16, his father bought him a couple of guitars and he spent many an evening dreaming of being a combination of Johhny Marr and the lead singer of Stump. In spite of not becoming a rock star overnight, he still managed to pen some memorable songs, mostly in the style of Half Man Half Biscuit. As he puts it, "serious lyrics were not my scene man".

As well as a love of music Rob also developed a very early love of football. He thinks that his school day romances might have been marred by the fact that he was always thinking of Steve Bull and the Wolves. Still, he worked on the assumption that, if you got dumped, then you just asked out the next girl you saw that you fancied. Of course you never made a date for a Saturday.

Over the years Rob concentrated on his football and would probably be doing so to this day, if it wasn't for the fact that he kept being hospitalised by it on a fairly regular basis. Eventually it had to stop and he faced the prospect of a life without footy.

Some people turn to drink in their darkest hour, but Rob was already drinking like a trooper and so he turned to his music.

All those years of singing on the terraces at Molineux were not wasted (nor was the time he spent in the primary school choir). He was rapidly making a name for himself as a Karioke god, when his talent was spotted by Kenny and Andy (at a works drinking session).

After a brief audition to see if he sounded as good when they were sober, he was offered the job as front man for 2-Sheds Jackson.

Rob claims that his sister inherited all the creative genes, but we don't believe him
Rob claims that his sister inherited all the creative genes, but we don't believe him
(Click on the photo to enlarge - Phnar! Phnar!)